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DAS Audio RAM audio Shure JBL Guil Geni electronics Sanyo Barco Neo-neon

S pojmovi

Saw Filter

A hermetically sealed device, employing SAW (Surface Acoustic Wave) technology, which responds only to a very specific bandwidth. It permits a narrow frequency band to pass through while rejecting all other signals. A SAW filter has very steep shoulders cutting out everything that is outside its band of transmission. SAW filters have excellent out-of-band signal rejection quality eliminating, to a great extent, all unnecessary, spurious signals.

Saw Modulator

With the aid of SAW* technology special modulation used in TV transmission is easily achieved and a number of transmitting bands can be compressed into close broadcast ranges. An RF* modulator utilizing SAW* technology, produces a very clean and accurate signal on the screen.

Scan Converter

A machine that changes the scan rates (sync frequencies and data) of a signal to transform it to another format. If, for example, a VGA signal is to be converted to video, a Scan Converter is needed. The operation is done by converting the analog VGA signal to a digital form using an ADC*, reading the information into a RAM* memory, rescaling the signals and sync information and converting them back to an analog form using a DAC*. Scan converters convert both the sync frequencies and the DATA information simultaneously in order to shift all into another format. Scan Converters are also used in order to match specific monitors to signals of other formats. A good example is in the medical field, where data emerging from medical equipment at non-standard rates (like from Ultra Sound scanners or CT scanners) is to be converted to VGA or video formats for processing or recording. The Scan Converters are usually confined for a specific use in order to keep the price low, but there are expensive Scan Converters that convert between a large number of different formats.


Europski audio-video konektor koji se često koristi u konzumerksoj elektronici. Sadrži 21 pin prenoseći 2 audio kanala – ulaz i izlaz, video kanale – ulaz i izlaz, RGB signal, uzemljenje i dodatnje pinove za kontrolu. Zamjenio je đunglu kablova potrebnih za spajanje videorekordera i TV-a ili monitora. Preporučen je za kućnu upotrebu , dok nije za porfesionalnu zbog slabe fizičke veze i gubitka signala.

Screen Splitter

Elektronički proces koji omogućuje horizontalnu ili vertikalnu podjelu ekrana i prikazivanje zasebnog signala . Originalni proces nasstao je u tvrtci Kramer Elektornics i prihvaćen je svugdje u svijetu u profesionalnoj opremi i na konzumerskoj razini.


Serial Digital Interface. Format digitalnog videa koji je nastao iz paralelnog digitalnog komponentnog video formata koji koristi 4:2:2 omjer. Protok podataka iznosi od 270 Mbits/sec up do 360 Mbits/sec. Digitalni AES/EBU audio signali se mogu uklopiti u protok podataka.

SDI Check Signal

Digitalni signal az testiranje SDI-a.


TV video signal koji se koristio u Francuskoj, Istočnoj Europi i nekim arapskim državama. Sustav nalikuje PAL-u, ali ima određena ograničenja zbog kompleksnosti dekodiranja boja. Ozbiljnija video produkcija je gotovo nemoguća u SECAM sustavu, te se države u kojim je SECAM sustav standard koriste PAL-om za produkcije i kasnije konvertiraju signal u SECAM.

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